HIV Case Management
The primary goal of HIV case management services is to ensure clients have the resources and support to achieve and maintain stable health.
HIV Case Management is available to all individuals living with HIV/AIDS in Maine living at or below 500% of the Federal Poverty Line. Services are covered by MaineCare and Maine's Ryan White Part B Program for individuals without Mainecare. Clients enrolled in case management participate in the development of care plans and annual assessments to evaluate needs and set goals.
These services may include:
one-on-one linkage to care
assistance with applications for insurance, housing, social service, and entitlement programs
help to address legal, mental health, and substance use issues
risk-reduction counseling to prevent the spread of HIV
emergency assistance for dental care, eye care, and other medical expenses (income guidelines and annual cap apply)
emergency assistance with rent, mortgage, and utility payments (income guidelines and an annual cap apply)
rental subsidies (income guidelines and rent standards apply; wait list time varies).
Referrals to Case Management Services
If you are a provider looking to refer an individual to HIV Case Management Services, please complete the following referral packet and fax to 207.879.0761
If you are a person living with HIV/AIDS looking for HIV case management, please call 207.774.6877
FPC works in partnership with Andwell Health Partners in delivering Ryan White Part B HIV case management services in the Lewiston/Auburn area.
Undetectable Equals Untransmittable (U=U)
An overwhelming body of clinical evidence has firmly established the HIV Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) concept as scientifically sound, say officials from the National Institutes of Health. U=U means that people living with HIV who achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load—the amount of HIV in the blood—by taking and adhering to antiretroviral therapy (ART) as prescribed cannot sexually transmit the virus to others.
The U=U campaign was developed by members of the HIV community to increase awareness about the relationship between viral suppression and the prevention of sexual transmission of HIV. For more information, visit
Housing Assistance
Safe, affordable housing is closely linked to successful HIV health outcomes. Frannie Peabody Center proudly partners with fellow HIV/AIDS service providers to administer statewide housing assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS in Maine funded by the US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development.
HOPWA assistance is available for low-income Maine residents living with HIV/AIDS who meet application requirements and income guidelines.
People utilizing U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) assistance, such as, Section 8, Shelter + Care, SHP and SRO Mod Rehab,
are not eligible for HOPWA services.
Housing Assistance for People Living with HIV/AIDS:
People living with HIV/AIDS may be eligible for short-term financial assistance with rent, mortgage, and utility payments to help maintain stable housing.
Rental subsidies are available through the Tenant-based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program.
Contact Information for Housing Assistance
If you are interested in short-term financial assistance for housing expenses, contact your case manager to complete the appropriate paperwork. If you do not have an HIV case manager, contact us at 207.774.6877.
Outside Cumberland and York counties, contact your local AIDS Service Organization (ASO). Locate an ASO in your area.
Peer Support Group
Led by Licensed Social Workers who also provide HIV Case Management services, this support group offers an opportunity for people living with HIV to connect on issues unique to lived experience, and other various life challenges that clients may benefit from processing in a group setting.
Accessing Peer Support Group Meetings
This group meets the third Tuesday of every month from 2-3:30pm.
Space is limited. If you are interested in attending, please text Charlotte Rogers, Clinical Supervisor, at 207-749-5163.
Prevention Services
Frannie Peabody Center provides rapid low-barrier, confidential HIV and Hepatitis C testing, as well as linkage to care, education and awareness.
The program also offers help with PrEP and PEP navigation.
For the full array of services and information, visit our Prevention Page.